Adventures of a master forger was written in the House of detention in Orleans, by the French police after Geert Jan Jansen was picked up as ' the greatest forger of this century '. On the one hand, this book is a record of twenty years living in the art trade: Geert Jan Jansen takes the reader along artist, collectors and artists ' studios in Europe and America. We read about lithographs of Karel Appel, gouaches of Asper Jorn, drawings by David Hockney and silkscreen prints by Andy Warhol. On the other hand, Magenta a witty account of a talented gallery owner and painter who, persecuted become because of counterfeiting of works of art, five years to the international detection managed to escape.
After studying art history, Geert Jan Jansen are fiddling with the Organization of exhibitions and he has for years studied the technique of many different painters throughout art history.
fifth printing 2007.
Language Dutch, 272 pages.
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