Decoration Paint: 27 Artistic Colors

Within Art Gallery Pot's interior design advice, we work with the 27 unique colors of Decoration Paint. This collection was put together a few years ago by Brenda Baart in collaboration with various artists. Each color is inspired by the rich art and cultural history.
"The core of all my work is simple: color, art and interior. My own paint collection was a logical and almost necessary addition," says Brenda Baart. "I wanted to develop a new, high-quality paint from my grandfather's old paint collection. It was important for me to work with a limited number of colors, which ensures a sustainable collection without overproduction. Moreover, the colors form perfect combinations." This effort has proven successful, because every color combination with Decoration Paint is a hit.

The paint structure and color harmony make the collection ideally suited for various painting techniques. “The techniques add an extra dimension,” Brenda explains. "For example, in an industrial interior, where the Concrete Look gives an extra sturdy appearance. It creates a unique and luxurious wall finish in any interior. The colors and techniques are a valuable addition to 'Uit de Kunst' interior design advice."

View and buy the paint here. 

Decoration: A Royal History

Since April 27, 2022, the family business Decoration has proudly carried the Royal Coat of Arms and the title 'By Royal Decree of the Court'. Over the past hundred years, Decoration has grown from a village shop with paint to a company with its own artistic paint collection. Brenda Baart, Paul de Bruijn and Ramanda de Bruijn are the driving forces behind this renowned company.



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