A personal work of art 

At Art Gallery Pot we offer you the opportunity to create a personalized work of art. In some cases you have a specific work of art in mind that is difficult to find, or the subject is perfect, but the color does not fit your interior. Sometimes the design meets your wishes, but the size is not suitable. In such situations, 'custom art' offers the ideal solution. We guide you throughout the entire process of creating a personalized work, paying attention to the subject, color, style, size and your personal taste. Thanks to our extensive network of artists, we can always find a suitable match for you.

The start of the process

The process always starts with a tour at Art Gallery Pot. During an initial conversation with gallery owner Brenda Baart, the first idea for the artwork is discussed: artist, color, style, subject, format,... Everything is discussed. It is a conversation in which the subjective experience is paramount. Various artists participate in the 'Custom Art' method, which means we can always find a good match between customer and artist. 


Design and size

After the conversation you can send some photos of your interior to Brenda. Concrete examples in terms of design and size are developed digitally. This way you have insight into what the artwork in your interior will look like. In the example (custom art process with Maryse Quisquater), we looked at four options together with the customer: an image with a painting, a diptych, a triptych and one large painting. 


The end result

Once the shape and size have been determined, the artist will make some preliminary designs for you. Content, color and composition are carefully examined. The artist creates different designs based on your wishes. You can choose your favorite from here. The chosen design is then executed, and in no time the beautiful work of art will be hanging in your interior.



Dive into the world of art.

Art sometimes entails many possibilities, it is of course a world in itself. We are really happy to take you digitally into the world of art & interior. Read Brenda Baart's latest blog and/or sign up for our inspiration newsletter (*our newsletter is written in Dutch).